Thanks for dropping by. We all have our story; let me give you a glimpse into mine. Writing crept up on me one holiday a few years back when my mind was free of the everyday issues we normally encounter. My pen, yes pen, flew across the page while my mind just poured out a humorous story which even had me laughing. However, let's begin at the beginning...
My Story
I'm a full-time fiction author and have been writing books for the last eleven years. Before this, I spent thirty-five years in the IT industry, during which time I wrote many hundreds of training manuals.
I turned my attention to fiction during the summer of 2009. Armed with an A4 pad and a ballpoint pen, I unleashed a stream of consciousness—some forty thousand words—before drawing breath. Writing with such unbridled passion was new to me; it was a far cry from technical authoring. The excitement of not knowing where the narrative was going spurred me on, as do the characters I invent.
The award-winning Hole Opportunity was the first product of my imagination, and The Unexpected Consequences of Iron Overload followed a year later. This is a paranormal, romantic spoof thriller, written to raise awareness of a genetic medical condition called haemochromatosis and to raise funds for the Haemochromatosis Society.
Book two of the Hole Trilogy, A Tunnel is Only a Hole on its Side, was released in December 2013. I'm completed book three of the Hole Trilogy; Marmite Makes a Sandwich, Dynamite Makes a Hole published December 2021. For the last eighteen months, I've focused on my series of books aimed at 6 to 10-year-olds: The Billy Growing Up books - eight titles that champion positive values and emotional health.
I'm always pleased to hear from my readers. Let's connect...
Children's Writers Guild